Covid-19 Update – 1st July 2020

The trustees of Ashmore Park Community Association have continued to monitor the situation around Covid-19 and the potential reopening of The Hub at Ashmore Park, however we are not ready to reopen at this point in time.

Although Government restrictions now allow libraries and community centres to open, we are not confident that we can become ‘Covid Secure’ yet.

There are a number of reasons for this:

  • We rely on a small team of dedicated volunteers to operate the building, several of whom are currently shielding due to health conditions.
  • Because of this, we do not have the capacity with our volunteers to provide the necessary additional cleaning of rooms, furniture, equipment & toilets that would need to take place more regularly throughout the day & evening.
  • Our smaller rooms would not be usable whilst 1m+ or 2m distancing rules are in places and this would limit how many bookings we could accommodate.
  • The layout of the building (with the library in the middle and multiple doors) makes controlling safe access a challenge.
  • Whilst some of our hirers have expressed an interest in returning, many of the groups that use the centre have members who are high risk and are reluctant to return.

With these issues in mind, we plan to stay closed for the time being and will update everyone in the coming weeks.

We’d like to thank everyone for their patience. We do appreciate your frustrations as we’d love nothing more than to be back together in our wonderful building. However we must put the safety of our volunteers & visitors first, something we’re sure you understand.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us on or 01902 552 490 (and leave a message).

Keep an eye on our website and social media for updates and join our mailing list here to receive updates.

James Clarke, Chairman

On behalf of the trustees of Ashmore Park Community Association